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Abate, Michelle Ann and Gwen Athene Tarbox. Graphic Novels for Children and Young Adults.         Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2017.
Aitchison, Sean. “Hellboy: 15 Things You Never Knew.” 7 March 2017.

Atkinson, Paul. “The Graphic Novel as Metafiction.” Studies in Comics 1.1 (2010): 107-125. 
Bayles, Scott. Holy Heroes! The Gospel According to DC and Marvel. Valley Forge, PA: Judson       Press, 2016. 

Beaty, Bart. Comics versus Art. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2012. 
Berninger, Mark, Jochen Ecke, and Gideon Haberkorn, eds. Comics as a Nexus of Cultures:             Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives. Jefferson, NC:       McFarland, 2010. 
Booker, Keith M. May Contain Graphic Material: Comic Books, Novels, and Films. Westport,CN:       Praeger, 2007.
Bullough, John and Michael Rhode. “Comics Research Bibliography.” 

Bukatman, Scott. “Sculpture, Stasis, the Comics, and Hellboy.” Critical Inquiry 40.3 (Spring           2014): 104-117. 

 -----. Hellboy’s World: Comics and Monsters on the Margins. Oakland: U of California P, 2016.

“Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense.” Wikipedia. Accessed 19 March 2018.

Cooper, Rand Richards. “Devilish Adaptations: The Punisher and Hellboy.” Commonweal 131.10       (May 2004): 19-20.
Davies, Ann, Deborah Shaw, and Dolores Tierney, eds. The Transnational Fantasies of                     Guillermo  del Toro. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
De Vos, Gail A. “Folklore, Mythology, and the Comic Book Format: A Contemporary                      Tradition.”  Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: History, Theme, and Technique. Salem                Online.
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Heer, Jeet and Kent Worcester. A Comics Studies Reader. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2009.

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"Hellboy (2004 film)." Wikipedia. Accessed 19 March 2018.


"Hellboy II: The Golden Army." Wikipedia. Accessed 19 March 2018


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Manning, Shaun. “Going to the Chapel: Mignola Returns to Drawing  Hellboy.” 27 October 2008. 
Mazur, Dan, and Alexander Danner. Comics: A Global History, 1968 to the Present. London: Thames & Hudson,             2014. 

Mazur, Eric, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion and Film. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Interactive, 2011.
McDonnell, Jenny. “Bat out of Hell: The Dark Knight and Hellboy II: The Golden Army.The Irish Journal of                 Gothic and Horror Studies 5 ( 8 Dec. 2008): 90-93.

“Mignola, Michael Joseph ‘Mike’.” Wikipedia. Accessed 3 February 2018.The Wikipedia entry focuses on 

Mignola, Mike. Hellboy, Volume 1: Seed of Destruction. Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Books, 1994. 

Mignola, Mike. Hellboy, Volume 2: Wake the Devil. Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Books, 1997.

Mignola, Mike. Hellboy, Volume 3: The Chained Coffin and Others. Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Books, 1998.

Mignola, Mike. Hellboy, in Hell, Volume 1: The Descent. Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Books, 2014.
Mignola, Mike. Hellboy, in Hell, Volume 2: The Death Card. Milwaukie, Or: Dark Horse Books, 2016.

Mignola, Mike, John Arcudi, and Guy Davis. B.P.R.D, Volume 8: Killing Ground. Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse                     Books, 2008.

O’Connor, Laura. “The Corpse on Hellboy’s Back: Translating a Graphic Image.” Journal of Popular Culture, vol.           43, no. 3 (June 2010): 540–63.
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Pustz, Matthew J. Comic Book Culture. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1999. Acedmic book

Smith, Matthew J. and Randy Duncan, eds. Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods. New York:                 Routledge, 2012.

Vinci, Tony. “Remembering Why We Once Feared the Dark: Reclaiming Humanity Through Fantasy in Guillermo             del Toro’s Hellboy II.” Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 45, no. 5 (October 2012): 1041–59.

Image Bibliography

Hellboy as Christ 

Image 1 Cover of Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"

Image 2 Page 18 of Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"

Image 3 Page 92 Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"

Image 4 Page 59 Hellboy volume 3: "The chained coffin and others"

Image 5 Page 56 Hellboy volume 3: "The chained coffin and others"

Slide show contains images from Hellboy volumes 1-3


Liz Sherman: The Holy Spirit

Image 1 page 68 Hellboy volume 2: "Wake the devil"


The disciples of the B.P.R.D.

Image 1 Page 46 Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"

Image 2 Page 55 Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"

Image 3 Page 113 B.P.R.D. volume 8: "Killing ground"

Image 4 Page 70 Hellboy volume 2: "Wake the devil"

image 5 Page 130 Hellboy volume 3: "The chained coffin and others"

Image 6 Cover B.P.R.D. volume 1: "Plague of frogs"



Image 1 Page 57 Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"

Image 2 page 39 Hellboy volume 2: "Wake the devil"

Image 3 Page 104 Hellboy volume 1: "Seed of destruction"


God of Science

Image 1 Page 158 Hellboy volume 3: "The chained coffin and others"

Image 2 Page 131 Hellboy volume 3: "The chained coffin and others"

Image 3 Page 161 Hellboy volume 3: "The chained coffin and others"



Image 1 Page 86 Hellboy volume 2: "Wake the devil"

Image 2 Page 87 Hellboy volume 2: "Wake the devil"

Rasputn Image 1
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