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Hecate is another one of Mignola's false Idols but this one is quite different from the Homunculus. Hecate is actually a real deity of ancient Greece: although no longer worshipped she was once, and has a definite origin, which makes examining Mignola's creation of a false idol as a target for Christianity very easy. In ancient Greece Hecate was a symbol of the crossroads (as a protective figure) and light and related to magic (an aspect which Mignola does keep, given that Christian views on magic are negative for the most part). Ancient Greek religons and myths do not feature a Judeo-Christian concept of good or evil; the Gods and Goddesses themselves are not inherently good or bad. Mignola, however, transforms Hecate into a very pure form of evil. Not only does she enjoy being bad but she is responsible for the creation of vampires. This is the extreme opposite of how she appears in the mythic sources. In the "Homeric Hymn to Demeter," she is refered to as "Tender-hearted Hekate, veiled in light." Also in the "Hymn" Hecate is the only one of the gods to help Demeter find her kidnapped daughter, Persephone. Hecate is seen as a kind, benevolent, and protective figure. Magical or transformative powers were not viewed negatively in the ancient Greek world. Most deities were associated with or appeared with animals; this was especially true with Greek gods. In myth Hecate has connections to dogs, but never to birds or snakes. Yet Mignola has Hecate appear as a humanoid snake and has an army of harpies to support her ( a harpy is a mythological creature that is a giant bird with the face of a woman). Mignola makes Hecate appear in this way because of the Christian fear of snakes ( in religious symbolism, they represent Satan, who tempted Adam and Eve in the form of a serpent). With the harpies Mignola is clearly using Christian symbolism to make these figures look like things that will prove his point that false idols are wrong and counter to Christian beliefs.

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