God of Science
Throughout the Hellboy series Mignola has created several enemies for Hellboy and his team to face. Each of these threats Mignola designs to display false idols against Christianity. This particular example deals with the idea of technology or science being personified as a God-like figure that Hellboy then needs to destroy, just like he destroys all other false idols. This false god is a homunculus and "brother" to Roger. He forces Roger not to repent for his guilt and instead has him destroy the cross.
This act of desecration displays his clear hatred of religion and the anger that consumes him. The God of science also kills his creator, who has repented for his crimes. This homunculus, unlike Roger, is full of hatred for everyone. His master plan is to disturb the graves of good Christians and take their corpses to build himself a new body with god like power. This false idol hates Christianity intensely and purposely disgraces the religion and its followers. His base of operations is a destroyed monastery. Taken together, these elements show Mignola's clear goal of creating a perfect false idol that Christians can turn against and therefore can support Hellboy and his Christian crusade. When the homunculus builds himself a new body he is immediately driven power hungry and starts to call himself God, solidifying his role as a False Idol. He then goes on a rampage, which forces Roger- who has taken up Christianity to destroy his "brother"with Hellboy's help. Once again Mignola shows that Christianity is the true way and that false idols, no matter if they are other religions or Technology, are purely evil.